Clinical Evaluation of the Truvian Blood Analyzer
Point of Care Study
Would you like to know the results of routine blood tests before leaving the doctor’s office? Innovations in disease diagnostics bring us a step closer with an investigational blood analyzer device. Upon FDA clearance, this compact Truvian technology aims to require minimal blood sample to provide lab-accurate results to review with a healthcare provider during the medical appointment.
We are currently enrolling adults to research and evaluate the performance of the Truvian Blood Analyzer against an FDA-cleared device. The visit should take about an hour and you will be compensated for your time.
If you are interested in participating in this study, please fill out this short survey or call us at 619-695-4401 to speak with one of our research coordinators.
For more information regarding this investigational device, you can visit: Truvian Health

Clinical Study of the Cue Chlamydia & Gonorrhea Molecular Test
Point of Care Study
Imagine being able to self-test for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the privacy of your own home and know your status within 20 minutes. This study is evaluating an at-home testing technology with the investigational Cue Chlamydia & Gonorrhea Molecular Test. The test would enable individuals to collect and diagnose these STIs with a swab or urine kit and a smartphone App.
The AVRC is seeking volunteers who are 18 years or older, recently had sex with a new or multiple sex partners; who have symptoms of an STI; or are without symptoms but at risk for such an infection.
Participation in this study will require one in-person study visit that will take approximately 2 hours and you will be compensated up to $200 for your time.
If you are interested in participating in this study, please fill out this short survey or call us at 619-695-4401 to speak with one of our research coordinators.
For more information regarding this investigational device and other rapid home tests, you can visit: Cue Health